[Editor’s Note: It’s high time for some Gonzo commentary. From my comments the astute reader will note that I am just a tab pissed with this latest attack upon human rights! This nauseating pile of stinking shit that the Zionist Jews here in Canada are creating in order to shut down or shut up free sites like http://www.PEJ.org has got to STOP! Sites that have the courage and common sense to criticize the Zionist Jews and the ‘state’ of Israel have got to be supported and backed and an aggressive offensive stance must be initiated and fought tooth and nail by everyone in this country who values freedom of expression and freedom of thought.
I’ve worked with Al Rycroft for years and, of late, Chris Cook, and they are two fine, upstanding Canadians who are considerate, decent human beings concerned about the dire state of human affairs and the environment both locally and globally.
Anyone in this day and age who seriously is concerned with social justice and who does his or her work in terms of research will ultimately come up with the same conclusions that those writers who were featured on Rycroft’s news site did. The vast extent of Jewish power and influence in the media, in national governments throughout the world and in the sphere of financial institutions is so blatantly obvious that it begs the question as to why the world hasn’t awoke to the fact. Control of the means of communication is obviously the key to keeping the people stupid.
Thanks to the web these power-crazed Zionist psychopaths are being exposed big time and they’re desperate in their attempts to silence any websites that are spotlights them and shines the light of truth on their nefarious and dark agenda for global control of mankind.
All this shit about racism and anti-Semites and hatred is nothing but a fucking lie and a red herring that the Zionist Jews have been baiting the public with for the last century. Years of research has proven to me that these phoney bastards have been bamboozling the general public for so long with their ‘by way of deception’ tactics and their ‘power of the purse’ that they actually believing their own lies.
These Zionists don’t understand basic human dignity and real human rights. All they want is to use the organizations that they’ve created here in Canada i.e. the Canadian Human Rights Commission, et cetera in order to shut anyone up who doesn’t agree with the aims and agenda of these Zionist maniacs. And don’t get me going on that goddam B’nai Brith group of sick fuck bigots and hyprocrites who’ve been terrorizing decent folks everywhere for close to a century now. I’d tell them myself but they’ve blocked me from sending them emails for a number of years now.
Support for Al Rycroft and Chris Cook is paramount at this time and readers everywhere should be encouraged to write to these Zionist organizations and their government representatives and register complaints against these assholes before everyone is a slave to their ugly, insidious plans to control and enslave the Gentile/Christian/Moslem/pagan world.]
Friday, 25 May 2007
Nationwide: Racist Me
by C. L. Cook
The news is out: I’m a hate-filled, anti-semitic, racist. That according to a typically one-sided assessment of the case of Hate Crimes charges emanating from one Agent Z, and his colleagues at the British Columbia branch of the B’nai Brith written up in ‘Canada’s national newspaper,’ The Globe and Mail
I wrote about the case in these pages last week, and though Sid Tafler, the author of the Globe item, and self-confessed Israel supporter, didn’t bother to call me, he did cite a couple of my articles. So, I’ll check my inclination to criminal bias, and reproduce his piece as it appears in today’s G$M below, but before doing so will let you know, as Sid doesn’t make it clear: The society in question does not accept the charge of racism, and will contest it with the Canadian Human Rights Commission.
Website promotes hate,
B’nai Brith member says
Special to The Globe and Mail
May 24, 2007
VICTORIA The B.C. representative for the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada has filed a human-rights complaint alleging a Victoria-based website and its editors, manager and directors ‘contrive to promote ongoing hatred affecting persons identifiable as Jews and/or as citizens of Israel.’
Eighteen articles allegedly containing anti-Semitic material have been removed by publisher Alan Rycroft from Peace, Earth and Justice News pending the outcome of an inquiry by the Canadian Human Rights Commission, and after the receipt of a letter from the commission detailing a complaint from B’nai Brith’s Agent Z.
‘There are a number of calumnies that need to be exposed,’ Agent Z, a Victoria businessman, said in an interview. ‘The idea that Israel has no right to exist or that Israel is an apartheid state,’ he cited as examples.
Mr. Rycroft said Agent Z has quoted some of the articles out of context and that they are critical of the policies of the Israeli government and do not express hatred toward Jews.
A letter from the Canadian Human Rights Commission to Mr. Rycroft signed by Richard Tardif, deputy secretary-general, says the commission is required to address any complaint that alleges a violation of the Canadian Human Rights Act.
Many of the articles on the website, http://www.pej.org , discuss the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and the war in Lebanon last summer. Some question Israel’s right to exist or compare Israeli policy with Nazi persecution of Jews. One article, entitled We Should Nuke Israel, is an apparent spoof of a column in The Toronto Sun proposing a tactical strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities.
Anita Bromberg, director of the legal department of B’nai Brith Canada, which has joined Agent Z in the complaint, said the articles ‘are virulently anti-Israel to the point that they meet the criteria of crossing the line of legitimate criticism of the state straight into anti-Semitism.’
Mr. Rycroft said removing the articles in question ‘is the respectful thing to do, until the issue is concluded.’
‘We removed all 18 articles … named in the complaint within 24 hours as a courtesy to Agent Z and to show our goodwill. The 18 articles remain in our database and can be reactivated to public view at any time.’
PEJ News, operated since 1996, provides articles and online discussions of peace, environment and justice issues written by its own writers and others. It is operated by the non-profit Prometheus Institute of Victoria and claims a global monthly per-page readership of 500,000 people.
Agent Z says other Canadian-based websites are being examined for possible complaints before the commission.
‘We have to show that Canadian law extends to the Internet as well as the conventional printed word,’ he said.
Agent Z is encouraged by the removal of the articles pending the outcome of his complaint. ‘I see that as a gesture of good faith. I am open to the idea of a mediated settlement.’
The letter to Mr. Rycroft from the human rights commission said a settlement may be approved ‘if the parties reach an agreement during the course of an investigation.’
Reaching a settlement is one option the commission tries in the early stages after a complaint is lodged, said Nathalie Dagenais, director of investigations for the commission.
Other options open to the commission include dismissing the complaint or referring the case to a human-rights tribunal for a hearing.